This online module from ScreenSkills is designed to help you understand what unconscious bias is, how it might manifest itself at work and how to challenge your assumptions to promote greater diversity and inclusion.
People working in the screen industries are in the privileged position of making content that reflects the experiences and shapes the thinking of our audiences. If our unconscious biases go unchecked, we are at risk of only working with people like us and limiting the influence of people from other backgrounds. This impacts on what our audiences experience on screen, and also whether our industry is viewed as an accessible and attractive place to work.
Raising awareness of our unconscious biases helps reduce their impact, however it does not eliminate them. This module explores theory as well as strategies to help tackle its impact at work. Staying alert to our unconscious biases is an ongoing process that might involve refreshing or extending our awareness on a regular basis via continued development opportunities.
In this module we are using the term unconscious bias. This concept is also referred to as implicit bias or implicit association.?