British Columbia’s motion picture and creative industries are undertaking transformative action – both independently and collectively – to achieve greater equity, diversity and inclusion. The Creative Equity Roadmap is designed as a central touchpoint to champion and unite the industry’s JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity, Inclusion) work through shared foundations, and a common language and resources.


What you’ll find in the Creative Equity Roadmap: 

The Creative Equity Roadmap is developed in partnership between Creative BC and Elevate Inclusion Strategies. The Roadmap was generated as an industry-side support to complement the recruitment-focused Creative Pathways™ website project.

  • is a starting point, an invitation for collaboration and a contribution to the many important public materials being generated;
  • is focused on supporting industry – the creative businesses, organizations and companies, recognizing that employers, labour organizations and industry associations have a particularly important role to play in changing systems;
  • is intended as a practical approach, offering a high-level framework for understanding the steps required as an organization for advancing the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion in B.C.’s motion picture and creative industries;
  • offers a shared language and method centering on Commitments and People Practices by which B.C.’s creative industries may collectively consider and advance the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion
  • seeks to amplify the growing network of resources that are aggregating B.C.- and Canada-based materials in this evolving field


Discover tips, best practices, and industry stories updated weekly here on the Creative Equity Roadmap blog. 


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