Discover a list of recent virtual reality and augmented reality productions that serve as case studies for tackling diversity and inclusion.
The Creative Equity Roadmap is intended to serve Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDDI) work across the motion picture industry in B.C. It is:
a starting point, an invitation for collaboration and a contribution to the many important public materials being generated;
focused on supporting industry - the creative businesses, organizations and companies, recognizing that employers, labour organizations and industry associations have a particularly important role to play in changing systems;
intended as a practical approach, offering a high level framework for understanding the steps required as an organization for advancing the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;
offers a shared language and method centering on Commitments and People Practices by which B.C.'s motion picture industry may collectively consider and advance the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;
seeks to amplify the growing network of resources available in B.C. and Canada to support our collective work in this evolving field.
Discover a list of recent virtual reality and augmented reality productions that serve as case studies for tackling diversity and inclusion.
Learn about B.C.'s creative sector ecosystem.
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Supporting the creative industries through programs, incentives, and stewardship
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Sustainable production efforts in British Columbia were formalized 10 years ago through the Reel Green initiative, a resource centre with a collection of best practices to help productions reduce their environmental impacts and improve their overall environmental footprint.
Reel Green™ helps Canada’s motion picture industry unite to improve production practices and reduce environmental impacts through strategic collaboration with other municipalities, organizations, local vendors and committed ambassadors.
Discover community events from industry and stakeholders so you can get involved in sustainable production practices through training, annual events, case studies and news.
Discover resources, tools and training created by Reel Green™ and industry to facilitate and implement a greener future in motion picture in British Columbia.