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Motion Picture COVID-19 Resources

There are no provincewide COVID-19 restrictions on travel, gatherings, and events. Individual businesses and event organizers can choose to continue requiring masks on their premises. 

Read all province-wide protocols
British Columbia’s response to COVID-19

Resources + Information

Communicable Disease Plans + Protocols

As of April 8, 2022 with the expiration of the “Workplace Safety Order – March 10, 2022”, productions are no longer required to develop and implement a COVID-19 Safety Plan.  They should instead transition to a communicable disease prevention strategy.

WorkSafeBC offers a template to assist productions in the creation of their communicable disease plan.  The communicable disease plan does not need to be reviewed or approved before production can begin, but WorkSafeBC will review the plan as part of their inspection.

Actsafe offers a communicable disease plan template and is available to review and provide feedback of communicable disease plans through their online submission form.

Proof of Vaccination/Face Coverings
Starting April 8, proof of vaccination will no longer be required for access to businesses, events, and services.  Per the PHO order “Gatherings and Events – March 10, 2022”, the proof of vaccination requirement does not apply to workers at the workplace when engaged in their work activities.

Effective March 11, visitors to indoor public spaces are no longer required to wear a face covering per the PHO order “Face Coverings (COVID-19) Order – March 10, 2022”.  Individual employers may still require the use of a face covering per “Workplace Safety – March 10, 2022”.

Stay current with information coming from the Provincial Health Office and the Provincial Health Officer’s “Orders, Notices and Guidance“.

Stay apprised of changes through the BC Centre for Disease Control Employers & Businesses page.

Safety Guidelines + Pandemic Production Guide
The BC Motion Picture Industry COVID-19 Best Practices Coalition published a set of high-level Safety Guidelines to assist productions in the safe return to work. The high-level guidelines were created in collaboration between 27 participants, including domestic and international employers, labour organizations, and industry associations.

To further support the motion picture industry, the Coalition developed the Pandemic Production Guide. The guide is intended to support the assessment and management of COVID-19 risk in all types of production, and to assist employers in developing their own COVID-19 safety plans across departments.

Together, these assets serve employers of any size to access detailed health and safety protocols, guides, and best practices for motion picture production in British Columbia.




Recreational travel within B.C. is allowed.  This includes travel for: Vacations, weekend getaways and tourism activities; Visiting family or friends for social reasons.

When travelling, follow the same public health guidance you use at home to prevent COVID-19, and plan ahead by checking that towns, communities and regions are ready to welcome you.


As of September 7, travellers who qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption will be eligible to enter Canada for discretionary purposes.  The border remains open to foreign workers with a valid work permit, and travel restrictions are in place across all border crossings.


The following points outline the current Government of Canada regulations for Foreign Nationals seeking entry into Canada for employment:

  • B.C. TRAVELLERS AND EMPLOYERS ORDER: Stay apprised of changes through the “B.C. Travellers and Employers Order” under the Provincial Health Officer’s “Orders, Notices and Guidance“.
  • VALID WORK PERMITS: Provided that they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 and that all other immigration admissibility criteria are met, travelers with valid or approved work permits will be permitted to travel (See links below for supporting documentation).  The type of work that is being done in Canada is not relevant for the purpose of determining whether travel is discretionary or non-discretionary. The CBSA has taken steps to ensure that this misconception is dispelled at the ports of entry. Click here for measures in place for foreign nationals in the film and television industry


NEW!  Effective April 1, fully vaccinated travellers will no longer be required to provide a pre-entry test to enter Canada.  Read the news release for more information.

Prior to April 1, the following entry requirements are still in place:

  •   COVID-19 TESTING FOR TRAVEL: Effective January 6, 2021, all travellers five years of age or older are required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR or LAMP test result to their airline prior to boarding international flights to Canada or to border agents at land crossing.  Learn more about testing requirements for entering Canada.

AIR TRAVEL: The test must be conducted within 72 hours of the traveller’s scheduled departure to Canada and must be presented at the time of boarding.

DRIVING: The test must be conducted within 72 hours of arrival at a land border and must be presented at the time of crossing.


As of July 5th, 2021, fully vaccinated travellers who meet specific conditions and are permitted to enter Canada will not be subject to the federal requirement to quarantine or take a COVID-19 test on day-8.

To prepare for arrival in Canada, fully vaccinated travellers should ensure they meet all eligibility requirements and familiarize themselves with requirements for before travel, at the border, and after arrival.


To prepare for arrival in Canada, all travellers should familiarize themselves with the requirements for before travel, at the border, and after arrival in Canada.

14-DAY QUARANTINE AFTER ARRIVAL PROCEDURES:  In accordance with the existing federal order by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), all travellers, unless exempted, must quarantine for 14 days upon entering Canada (in this case British Columbia) and will need to complete the federal ArriveCAN application for approval prior to their return to B.C., or upon arrival.  Supporting tools:


In a letter to industries, Dr. Bonnie Henry confirmed routine testing of asymptomatic people is not currently recommended in B.C.

Employers who wish to implement screening and private testing measures – understanding that there are limitations to this approach as per the letter – must comply with the B.C. legal frameworks, (including but not limited to B.C human rights, employment standards, applicable collective agreements, privacy law, and existing and future Provincial Health Officer orders, notices, and guidance).

The B.C. Centre for Disease Control offers all information on B.C.’s approach to testing.  For more information about testing in B.C., please reach out to the Film Commission.

The following organizations are available to provide production-specific private testing resources.  Creative BC does not endorse or vet organizations included on the list.  Productions wishing to engage with private testing organizations should do so in line with PHO guidelines per the letter to industries above.

Airwolf Medical – Renata Lewis
info@airwolfmedical.com | (604) 905-8775

Align Production Health & Strategic Consulting Inc. – Emily O’Loughlin
emily@alignproductionhealth.com | (604) 783-1253

Aspen Care Health – Shelley McLellan (LPN)
info@aspencarehealth.com | (403) 990-3837

Bon Voyage Medical
ivy@bonvoyagemedical.com| (604) 447-8597

CVM Medical – Raffy Karagossian
help@covid-medical.ca | (604) 332-7700

Eco Health – Andrew Rowntree
(250) 419-8344

Empower Clinics – Tamara Mason
info@empowerclinics.com | (416) 671-5617

Fast Test– Michael Gracias
info@fast-test.ca | (778) 636-5502

Feature Health & Safety – Alasdair Drinnan
info@featureHS.com | (250) 764-3712

First Wellness Testing
covid19@firstwellnesstesting.com | (416) 640-7480

International SOS – Carmen Jeam
carmen.jeam@internationalsos.com | (403) 263-1118

Iridia Medical

Mobile Lab – ReelCovidTesting – Sage Rich
reelcovidtesting@gmail.com | (778) 816-0025

Reel Nurses
info@reelnurses.com | (604) 414-9805

Resolve Medical – Krysta VH
krystavh@resolvemedical.ca | 1-855-578-9906  Ext. 388

Rockdoc Consulting – Andrew Durham
info@rockdocinc.com | 1-888-761-4001

Screenpro Security – Lena Kozovski
lena@screenprosecurity.com | (647) 878-6674


Whitecap Risk & Safety Consultants
info@whitecaprsc.com | (604) 966-3777

If your organization provides COVID-19 private testing for the motion picture industry and would like to be added to our website, please email the Film Commission.

Film Permits
Film offices in B.C. are beginning to reopen with fresh COVID-19 protocols in place.  Productions seeking film permits should contact the appropriate permitting authority before proceeding with the application process as some timelines or protocols may have shifted during this ramp-up period.

For filming in B.C.’s regions, start by contacting the knowledgeable staff at the regional film commission that oversees the area.  Regional film commissions know their territories, can help navigate communication pathways, and provide valuable insight into which communities are ready to go and those that are more sensitive to incoming productions during this time.

Questions or Concerns About Filming

Individual productions will develop their own best practices related to filming on location.  Questions or concerns about filming on location should be directed to the production, who will have representatives on site.  Contact information for individual productions can also be found on the Creative BC In Production list.  If the production is unavailable, please contact the local municipal film office.


General Resources
AFCI Global Production Alert 
BC Centre for Disease Control
Canadia Media Producers Association
Commercial Production Association of Western Canada (CPAWC) 
Creative BC COVID-19 Resource Index
Government of British Columbia Restart Plan 
Labour Organizations
MPPIA Townhall links 
Office of the Provincial Health Officer 
Public Health Agency of Canada 
World Health Organization

COVID-19 Courses:
Actsafe COVID-19 Safety Procedures Course
Safe Set COVID-19 Certificate (Levels A + B)
World Health Organization COVID-19 Training

COVID-19 Consultation:
Align Production Health & Strategic Consulting Inc. | Emily O’Loughlin
emily@alignproductionhealth.com | (604) 783-1253

Bon Voyage Medical
partnerships@bonvoyagemedical.com | (604) 447-8597

Fast Test – Michael Gracias
info@fast-test.ca | (778) 636-5502

Feature Health & Safety | Alasdair Drinnan
info@featureHS.com | (250) 764-3712

The Harwood Safety Group
(778) 689-2644

International SOS | Carmen Jeam
carmen.jeam@internationalsos.com | (403) 263-1118

Iridia Medical

Reel Nurses
info@reelnurses.com | (604) 414-9805

Whitecap Risk & Safety Consultants
info@whitecaprsc.com | (604) 966-3777

COVID-19 Private Testing:
The following organizations are available to provide production-specific private testing resources.  Creative BC does not endorse or vet organizations included on the list.  Productions wishing to engage with private testing organizations should do so in line with PHO guidelines.

Airwolf Medical – Renata Lewis
info@airwolfmedical.com | (604) 905-8775

Align Production Health & Strategic Consulting Inc. – Emily O’Loughlin
emily@alignproductionhealth.com | (604) 783-1253

Aspen Care Health – Shelley McLellan (LPN)
info@aspencarehealth.com | (403) 990-3837

Bon Voyage Medical
partnerships@bonvoyagemedical.com | (604) 447-8597

CVM Medical – Raffy Karagossian
help@covid-medical.ca | (604) 332-7700

Eco Health – Andrew Rowntree
(250) 419-8344

Empower Clinics – Tamara Mason
info@empowerclinics.com | (416) 671-5617

Fast Test– Michael Gracias
info@fast-test.ca | (778) 636-5502

Feature Health & Safety – Alasdair Drinnan
info@featureHS.com | (250) 764-3712

First Wellness Testing
covid19@firstwellnesstesting.com | (416) 640-7480

International SOS – Carmen Jeam
carmen.jeam@internationalsos.com | (403) 263-1118

Iridia Medical

ReelCovidTesting – Sage Rich
reelcovidtesting@gmail.com | (778) 816-0025

Reel Nurses
info@reelnurses.com | (604) 414-9805

Resolve Medical –  Krysta VH
krystavh@resolvemedical.ca | 1-855-578-9906  Ext. 388

Rockdoc Consulting – Andrew Durham
info@rockdocinc.com | 1-888-761-4001

Screenpro Security – Lena Kozovski
lena@screenprosecurity.com | (647) 878-6674


Whitecap Risk & Safety Consultants
info@whitecaprsc.com | (604) 966-3777

Contact us

For questions or concerns about filming in general in B.C., please contact Industry + Community Affairs at the film commission or call (604) 736-7997.