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Creative BC 2017/18 Impact Report Released

Jan 17, 2019

Highlights from the 2017/18 Impact Report Include:

  • Delivered approximately $2.5 million in funding to B.C. creators across motion picture, publishing and interactive and digital media as well as $7.4 million for B.C’s music industry through the BC Music Fund

  • Processed 452 tax credit applications for domestic and international film and television production which contributed an estimated $3.4 billion to the economy through BC production expenditures

  • Through the Project Development Fund, administered $606,930 to help 57 B.C. companies create new content for film, television and web series

  • Provided $386,000 in export marketing support for 120+ BC creators who attended 54 international markets, securing sales and interest generated in excess of $142 million

  • The Province of British Columbia launched a new $7.5 million fund for B.C.’s music industry, called Amplify BC and entrusted Creative BC to administer the funding, building on new and established relationships with music industry partners

  • Along with industry partners, coordinated community events with over 550 attendees to engage stakeholders and residents around filming in their community and thank them for supporting the motion picture industry

  • In collaboration with the BC Arts Council, administered $622,000 to 13 BC companies to create engaging interactive digital media content

  • Funded four research studies on B.C.’s Music Industry

  • Through the Reel Green initiative, trained 65 people at four carbon literacy courses held at Creative BC

  • Developed new project development top-up programs with Telus Storyhive and Telefilm; total funding administered through these two programs was $370,540

Read the full Impact Report here.

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