Home 5 Sector 5 Multi-Creative Industry Services

Multi-Creative Industry Services



Vancouver After Dark by Aaron Chapman

The creative industries share many synergies. The result is that together, the five industries served by Creative BC catalyze the development and sustainment of a sixth component of the sector’s ecosystem. This sixth component is comprised of many relevant industry categories that directly feed and serve the creative industries overall, but none of the businesses within it can be attributed to a single creative industry. Rather they serve multiple creative industries each. Therefore, this segment of the sector stands as its own component of the ecosystem, and CIERAâ„¢ measures and refers to it as Multi-Creative Industry Services.

The economic impacts of this sixth area are accurately counted within the creative industries’ impacts, as its contributions have been identified as relevant only to this sector. The Multi-Creative Industry Services are scaled by CIERAâ„¢ to ensure only relevant activities specific to the five creative industries served by Creative BC are captured and reported.

From agents, artists’ managers and independent writers to periodical and book wholesalers and trade agents, this fluid and agile network of companies and creators is depended on and fed by all of B.C.’s five creative industries. See a list of creative sector companies and related businesses in Creative BC’s Knowledge Hub.

Recent Impacts

It’s important to note that this industry activity generates a portion of the additional incremental total GDP attributed to the Multi-Creative Industry Services segment of the creative industries overall. Figures reflect the use of B.C. multipliers for indirect and induced impacts. All results exclude any government subsidies received by industry.


Total GDP in B.C.


Direct Output in B.C.


Total Jobs*

The Multi-Creative Industry Services Mapped Across the Sector Value Chain

CIERA™ maps business activity classified by Statistics Canada through what is known as the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). These NAICS codes are attributed in full or in part to a three-part sector value chain: Creation > Production > Sales + Distribution. 

These industries, classified through the North American Industry Classification System, all contribute to the business activities of more than one creative industry.

See full annual CIERAâ„¢ tables and multiple years of data here.


Research + Reports

Recent industry insights and impacts of B.C.’s creative industries.

CIERAâ„¢ | Creative Industries Economic Results Assessment

Bringing public datasets into our story.

View Creative BC funding programs

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