The Creative Equity Roadmap is developed in partnership between Creative BC and Elevate Inclusion Strategies. This resource was developed as an industry-focused support to increase cultural competence and inclusive practices within the motion picture industry's businesses and systems. It complements the Creative Pathways project, which is focused to serve British Columbians seeking access to careers in the motion picture industry.

The Creative Equity Roadmap is intended to serve Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDDI) work across the motion picture industry in B.C. It is:

    • a starting point, an invitation for collaboration and a contribution to the many important public materials being generated;

    • focused on supporting industry - the creative businesses, organizations and companies, recognizing that employers, labour organizations and industry associations have a particularly important role to play in changing systems;

    • intended as a practical approach, offering a high level framework for understanding the steps required as an organization for advancing the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • offers a shared language and method centering on Commitments and People Practices by which B.C.'s motion picture industry may collectively consider and advance the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • seeks to amplify the growing network of resources available in B.C. and Canada to support our collective work in this evolving field.

Home 5 CER Blog 5 Changing the Narrative of Disability in Documentary Film: A Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility

Changing the Narrative of Disability in Documentary Film: A Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility

“I think we are all looking for this day in which people with disabilities are in films not because of their disability but because we are a part of society, and part of the fabric of life. That’s the world I’m really shooting for us to see.” – Jim LeBrecht, Co-Director of Crip Camp

There are 61 million disabled people in the USA today but despite making up over 25% of the US population, D/deaf and disabled people are chronically under-served on-screen, behind the camera and as consumers of screen storytelling.

Currently, there has been no reliable data gathered about the percentage of D/deaf and disabled people who make up the film workforce behind the camera. Meanwhile, on screen “according to GLAAD’s Where We Are on TV ’18- ’19, only 2.1 percent of primetime broadcast TV series regulars — or a total of 16 characters — have disabilities. A recent Annenberg study found that, across the 100 top-grossing movies of 2016, only 2.7 percent of characters were depicted with a disability, only 2.5 percent of characters were depicted with a disability over the past 10 years, and nearly half of the films across the top 100 did not include a single character with a disability. Of those small numbers of characters, 95 percent are played by non-disabled actors on television.” The National Conference of State Legislatures states that “Unemployment rates for people with disabilities are higher across all education levels compared to those without a disability.” And those of us that experience multiple forms of oppression – including women, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and LGBTQ+ people – are significantly underrepresented within D/deaf and disabled filmmaking.

D/deaf and disabled film audiences are also chronically underserved and consistently underrepresented across all film platforms. A minority of distributed films have been made accessible with high-quality captions and audio description.

Meanwhile, “the total disposable income for working-age people with disabilities is about $490 billion” in the USA. We find ourselves in an unprecedented moment of creative and financial opportunity for the film industry if we engage with authentic disabled-led storytelling and talent, make our media genuinely accessible, and better understand and cater to the 61 million D/deaf and disabled people in the USA who together make up an underserved, hungry and financially-resourced audience.

This Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility has been created by FWD-Doc: Documentary Filmmakers with Disabilities in association with Doc Society and supported by Netflix, to help the film industry do just that with a view to best practice, not just compliance.

Access The Guide Here