The Creative Equity Roadmap is developed in partnership between Creative BC and Elevate Inclusion Strategies. This resource was developed as an industry-focused support to increase cultural competence and inclusive practices within the motion picture industry's businesses and systems. It complements the Creative Pathways project, which is focused to serve British Columbians seeking access to careers in the motion picture industry.

The Creative Equity Roadmap is intended to serve Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDDI) work across the motion picture industry in B.C. It is:

    • a starting point, an invitation for collaboration and a contribution to the many important public materials being generated;

    • focused on supporting industry - the creative businesses, organizations and companies, recognizing that employers, labour organizations and industry associations have a particularly important role to play in changing systems;

    • intended as a practical approach, offering a high level framework for understanding the steps required as an organization for advancing the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • offers a shared language and method centering on Commitments and People Practices by which B.C.'s motion picture industry may collectively consider and advance the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • seeks to amplify the growing network of resources available in B.C. and Canada to support our collective work in this evolving field.

Home 5 CER Blog 5 Decolonization Training with Kim Haxton (Potowatomi)

Decolonization Training with Kim Haxton (Potowatomi)

Kim Haxton specializes in cross-cultural interpretation, applied decolonization & lateral liberation, as well as nature & land-based education.

“We are at a critical juncture right now – the future depends on literacy of the past understanding the structures and systems that bind us, so that we can make the shifts from cultures of make believe – a dominant culture that is steeped in a colonial narrative that are exclusionary and divisive – to one that supports and nourishes ourselves, each other and the worlds around us.” – Kim Haxton

The MPPIA Equity & Inclusion Committee was established in early 2019 to help mobilize change for equitable and balanced representation in the BC-based motion picture production industry. The Motion Picture Production Industry Association of BC (MPPIA) is a member-based, non-profit society established in April 2002 to grow, diversify and promote a competitive and sustainable motion picture production industry in British Columbia.

Discover decolonization training with Kim Haxton (Potowatomi) here.