Record in BC

Amplify BC

Record in BC attracts established out-of-province and international artists to record at B.C. studios, and with B.C. producers.

B.C.-based artists must apply through the Career Development program.

  Program Closed

This program is now closed. The deadline for applications was October 31, 2024.

Results will be available to all applicants in the coming weeks. Contact staff with any questions.

Applications to this program are scored by Creative BC staff, according to the priorities of the program.

Applications will be reviewed at the end of each month to support quick turnaround for applicants. Results will be communicated to each applicant before the end of the following month. Remaining program funding will be updated periodically on this page. 

Record in BC Scoring Sheet 2024/25

Would you like to connect with Creative BC staff, ask questions, and learn more about this program?

Sign up for an info session below:

All info sessions will be conducted in English, and in Pacific Time. Info sessions are always offered at no cost.

The info session slide deck will be posted here when available.

Are you looking to learn more about the range of local talent available to support your proposed project? Visit Creative BC’s searchable Knowledge Hub, and learn more about B.C.-based recording and studio professionals, music producers, and other industry representatives.

Knowledge Hub: Recording Studios

Knowledge Hub: Producers

Browse the list of 2021/22 Record in BC recipients.

Browse the list of 2022/23 Record in BC recipients.

Browse the list of 2023/24 Record in BC recipients.

If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact:

Gina Loes | Music Programs Lead
Phone: 604-730-2253


Record in BC Guidelines 2024/25

Review these guidelines to learn more about how this program works, what makes up a successful project, and how applications are evaluated.


Record in BC Budget Template 2024/25

Use this template to build your project budget.

Record in BC One-Pager 2024/25

This summary document contains all the high-level information you need about Record in BC. Share it with your colleagues and project teams.

Record in BC Tip Sheet 2024/25

Check out some of the most frequently-asked questions about this program as you plan your application.

Record in BC Sample Application Form 2024/25

Use this MS Word version of the application form to draft your responses, and share them with your project team.

Final Report Information for Recipients

The final report deadline for 2023/24 Record in BC grant recipients was December 1, 2024.

Contact staff with any project changes prior to submitting your final report.