Creative BC’s online digital location library is maintained and administered by Creative BC and funded by the Province of British Columbia.
The most comprehensive database of its kind, our location library helps showcase A World of Looks™ marketing B.C. as a film destination and directly supports the ongoing success of British Columbia’s motion picture industry. A small sampling of images are available on our website in the Regional Gallery.
Creative BC’s Provincial Film Commission team and film industry location managers and scouts use the library to create location packages based on production’s creative needs. Creative BC also offers location surveys and ongoing production and location support.
Get A Sample Package
Producers seeking a consultation and/or a location package for their project please click here.
List your Property
If you would like to list your property in our location library, please click here.
Access the Library
Access a sample of the diverse locations found in B.C. Images of private residences are not included in this gallery.
Discover A World of Looks™
Filming In Our Communities
Production activity in B.C. communities continues to play an important role in the province’s motion picture industry, creating opportunities throughout B.C.
Creative BC’s location library is supported by