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Nov 3, 2020

RDVCANADA | Meet the Series will enable 10 participants to benefit from exclusive and personalized guidance (networking, meetings, B2B, consultant etc.) for six months covering four events (Content London, Series Market – Berlin, Séries Mania and MIPTV) by two external experts from the audiovisual industry, Tania de Montaigne and Frédéric Pittoors d’Haveskercke.

Deadline: November 9, 2020


Eligibility Criteria

1. Must have two to five years of experience as a producer and, ideally, have at least one project broadcasted on a platform, conventional television station or in a festival.

2. Must be available to participate to the following online events:  Content London, Series Market – Berlin, Séries Mania and MIPTV;

3. Must have a series project (any formats) in the development stage that could become a co-production or intended for sale internationally;

4. Must be able to meet the participants’ obligations.

5. Must hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.


The selection process will be managed by the two consultants Tania de Montaigne and Frédéric Pittoors d’Haveskercke under the supervision of the Canada Media Fund and the Canadian Trade Commissioners Service which will ensure a regional balance to encourage the participation of producers from all regions of Canada.

The selected Canadian participants will be confirmed in the week of November 17, 2020.

Application Submission Process and Information
To register or for any information, please contact Constance Richard from the Canadian Trade Commissioners Service.


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