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Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra

May 13, 2021

The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra, founded in 2001, was one of the first professional concert orchestras devoted specifically to performing new intercultural music on a grand scale. The VICO brings together musicians and composers from many cultural and artistic communities in the Greater Vancouver area, including Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Indian, Persian (Iranian), Latin and South American, Vietnamese, African, North American and European. Creative BC's Career Development program supported the album, In the Key of the World, as well as the creation of two performance videos showcasing music from the album. Music In the Key of the World is a recording of four major intercultural compositions in 13 tracks comprised of 4 composers, 26 musicians, and a conductor, all residents of British Columbia. The album has been nominated for the Western Canadian Music Awards in two categories: Global Artist of the Year and Instrumental Artist of the Year! 

"This was our first exclusively orchestral recording project. We now have strong musical material to submit to presenters, nationally and internationally, which may help us to secure substantial touring opportunities. Such initiatives will enable us to disseminate our music all over the world."

VICO strives to be a fresh and relevant voice in contemporary classical music. They make connections between performers and audiences of all ages and backgrounds across the Lower Mainland, throughout Canada and the world. The VICO creates and performs orchestral music that transcends cultural, social, political, geographical boundaries. Since its inaugural performance in 2001, the VICO has developed and performed over 50 new intercultural pieces by ground-breaking Canadian composers. 




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