The Magazine Association of BC presents a summit for magazine editors. Editors from publications across Canada will come together to talk about organizational change and growth, the importance of cultural intelligence, being a magazine editor during the pandemic, and other editorial-related topics.
We will kick off the event with a keynote speech, followed by panel discussions with emerging, established, and veteran magazine editors in BC and Canada.
10-11 am PST: Practising Embodied Allyship – keynote by Catherine Hernandez
Based on her novel Crosshairs, author and screenwriter Catherine Hernandez will lead a series of exercises designed to help audience members move from passive performative allyship to true embodied action.
11 am – 12 pm PST: Navigating Change in the Age of Burnout – with Jessica Johns, Matea Kuli?, and Lue Palmer. Moderated by AnnMarie MacKinnon
The panelists will discuss the reality of burnout as publications feel the need to to take on a lot in a shifting magazine industry.
12-1 pm PST: Cultural Intelligence: The Connectivity Tool for Meaningful EDI – with Shannon Carranco, Ziya Jones, and Kevin Taghabon. Moderated by Kareece Whittle-Brown
The panel will explore how an editor can integrate cultural intelligence into their editorial practice in order to promote equity, diversity and inclusion.
Register here
For more information: Visit Magazine Association of BC’s website
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