Creative BC’s CIERA™ research studies the economic impacts of B.C.’s creative industries across their three-part value chain: create-produce- distribute. However as experienced globally during the pandemic’s shutdown, their value to society delivers tremendous non economic benefit beyond GDP and jobs.
Around the world, we stayed connected while staying apart with entertainment through screen, earbud, console and hardcover. Storytelling deepens our sense of self and influences how we relate to others, encouraging us to explore our individual and collective beliefs. Creative content translates experiences—transcending time and space to unite us, change our opinions, and instill values.
While out of scope for Creative BC’s research, the value of B.C.’s creative industries to our provincial culture through the reflection, expression and documentation of our history is important to note. To extract increasing worth from the creative industries, Creative BC’s research identified Nine Enabling Factors that positively impact value creation by the industries Creative BC serves and in turn, the ripple effect of their positive contributions to our lived experience.
Several frameworks were drawn upon to identify and define the enabling factors including those from the World Economic Forum, the Conference Board of Canada, the Boston Consulting Group, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and various industry reports.
Particularly at this pivotal time in securing the industries’ capacity to endure, recover and thrive, Creative BC sees these factors as a framework to inform strategic planning efforts, including the definition of priorities, goals, strategies and metrics—by Creative BC, government, industry and other stakeholders going forward.