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Press Release: Another Spotlight on Cultural Statistics

Oct 9, 2014

October 9, 2014

Another Spotlight on Cultural Statistics

Cultural statistics are very important. CHRC has long championed the gathering of economic and labour force data on artists and cultural workers to understand their needs and their impact on the Canadian economy. Our role in bringing the Canadian Culture Satellite Account (CSA) from theory to reality speaks to our ongoing commitment to helping define the cultural sector through well founded stats, particularly in the area of Human Resources.

Hill Research Strategies, with funding from DCH, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council, has released A Statistical Profile of Artists and Cultural Workers in Canada – a valuable analysis of economic and labour force data from the 2011 National Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey.

The findings complement the findings of the recently released report of the Canadian Culture Satellite Account.

For further information contact:

Susan Annis
Executive Director
613-562-1535, ext. 22

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