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Creative BC Congratulates Andrew Rowe – Winner of the 2014 MPPIA Short Film Award

Dec 18, 2014

Left to right: Sophie Deraspe, Jury member and Director (Les Loups/The Wolves), Andrew Rowe, 2014 MPPIA Short Film Award Winner, Sean Garrity, Jury member and Director (After the Ball) and Peter Leitch, Chair of the MPPIA.

Photograph: Courtesy of Kim Eijdenberg

He wins $15,000 in cash plus in-kind services and expertise valued at up to $100,000 from across the industry to help him produce his completed short film which will be shown at next year’s WFF.

Four other talented BC filmmakers were short-listed for the MPPIA Short Film Award including Juliana Constaninescu who received a special mention for her well-developed pitch for Say You’re Sorry as well as Paul Furminger (Japantown), Shannon Kohli (Man-Date) and Daniel Code (Aurora). 

Nick Citton, who won the 2013 MPPIA Short Film Award, also gave the world-premiere of his completed film, The Future Perfect, at this year’s WFF. 

The MPPIA Short Film Award is a partnership of the Motion Picture Production Industry Association of BC (MPPIA), Creative BC and the Whistler Film Festival.  Previous award winners have commented on how important the award was to helping them launch their career, hone their skills from experienced filmmakers, access studio and post-production facilities and showcase their completed project at prestigious film festivals such as the Telefilm National Short on Talent at Cannes.

For more information, click here.

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