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BSAFE – BC Safety Assured For Everyone

Jun 16, 2021

Actsafe Safety Association’s new course from go2HR–BSAFE™ is an ideal tool for the arts and culture sector to introduce COVID safety concepts to your front of house and volunteer workforce. It is funded by the Province of British Columbia and has 500 spots reserved for the music industry through Creative BC.
BSAFE is comprised of 5 modules that cover a variety of topics to give you a foundational understanding of COVID-19 health and safety protocols as well as tips on handling non-compliance.

  • Module 1 Understanding the Legal Context for COVID-19
  • Module 2 Keep Yourself and Others Safe
  • Module 3 Keeping Records
  • Module 4 Communicating Effectively with Your Team and Guests
  • Module 5 Responding to Challenging Interactions (scenarios)

With support from the BC Arts Council, this course aims to provide employees and managers with a strong foundation in COVID-19 health and safety protocols, and to assist them in understanding ever-evolving best practices. This course is an ideal tool to introduce the COVID safety concepts to your front of house, employees and volunteer workforce. BSAFE is 90-minutes in length, fully accessible, and will cover a range of topics, from COVID-19 conflict resolution situations to actionable workplace health and safety activities and tasks to identifying employer and employee responsibilities, and more.

500 course codes have been reserved for Creative BC recipients, and we are giving first access to the course to live music presenters, before opening up registration to the rest of the industry later this week.

To access the free course, follow the link provided below, and select the 'CREATIVE BC' button to register.



Learn more and register here

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