Under Film Incentive BC (“FIBC”), the tax credit amounts are calculated on the qualified BC labour expenditure (QBCLE) of the corporation, which is the lesser of the (a) labour cap or (b) BC labour incurred by the production company (excluding writer fees). Some...
FIBC Tax Credit Applicants: Canadian Content Points
Are you planning your next Canadian content production? Be sure to know the Canadian Content rules. Under Film Incentive BC, a production that is not an international treaty co-production must be allotted at least 6 Canadian content points by the certifying authority;...
FIBC Tax Credit Applicants: Producer Control
For Film Incentive BC (“FIBC”) applications, the “producer” of a film or video production is defined in the Income Tax Act – Film and Television Tax Credit Regulations as: the individual who (a) controls and is the central decision maker in respect of the production,...
FIBC/PSTC Applicants: Important Update Regarding Creative BC Banking Account Information
Creative BC has recently made an update to our bank account information, including our bank account number. For future application fee payments via e-transfer, direct deposit, or wire transfer, please use the new account number as described in our updated Payment...
FIBC/PSTC Applicants: Tax Credit Form Updates
Creative BC has updated the forms available in the Motion Picture Tax Credits section on the website to make PDF documents fillable for your convenience and our efficient data processing. There are updated fillable PDF forms available here: Production Schedule...
PSTC/FIBC Applicants: Production Company Business Number (BN)
The business number (BN) is a unique number assigned to a company by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Business owners use this number to identify their company when in contact with any federal, provincial, or local government program. The business number consists of...
FIBC eligibility requirements and exceptions specific to documentary productions
“Documentary” is considered a non-fiction motion picture production format intended to document a specific topic/subject, primarily designed to inform, educate and entertain, providing an in-depth critical analysis of a specific subject or point of view. (See CRTC...
PSTC/FIBC Tax Credits: Queue wait times
Motion Picture Tax Credit application standard is to process applications within 120 days from the date we receive a complete application. Incomplete applications, outstanding information or missing documents can delay the issuing of certificates. An application can...
Important message for PSTC applicants regarding pre-certification
Currently, under section 79 (1) "accredited qualified BC labour expenditure" of the Income Tax Act of British Columbia, an accredited production corporation claiming the Production Services Tax Credits (PSTC) must give notice (pre-certification) in accordance with...
FIBC Tax Credits: Canadian-Controlled Corporation
Film Incentive BC (FIBC) is an economic initiative designed to encourage film, television, digital animation and visual effects production in British Columbia. Eligible applicants are film, television and animation production corporations with a permanent...
Important message for FIBC applicants: CRA allows a transition period for filing requirement
Under section 85(1) of the Income Tax Act of British Columbia, corporations filing a claim for the British Columbia film and television tax credit (BCFTTC - FIBC) must submit a Completion Certificate with their T2 corporation income tax return if the production was...
Minimum budget levels for PSTC applicants
Know the minimum budget requirement for your production to be qualified for PSTC Under the Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC) there are different minimum budget threshold requirements for different types of productions. The following can help you...
PSTC/FIBC Tax Credit: Proof of Permanent Establishment in BC
If you intend to claim the motion picture tax credits in British Columbia, ensure your corporation has a permanent establishment in BC Accredited corporation claiming PSTC must be a Canadian taxable corporation primarily engaged in film and video production business...
PSTC/FIBC Application Fees: Payment Options
Did you know that Creative BC now accepts fee payment via e-transfer? Account details and additional instructions can be found in our Payment Options doc which can be requested from the tax team at taxteam@creativebc.com. Creative BC continues to accept payment...
FIBC Tax Credits: Initial Licensing
Are you planning your next Canadian content film? Be sure to know the initial licensing rule. Under Film Incentive BC, for productions that are not treaty co-productions or interprovincial co-productions, the initial licensing of the commercial exploitation of the...