The Creative Equity Roadmap is developed in partnership between Creative BC and Elevate Inclusion Strategies. This resource was developed as an industry-focused support to increase cultural competence and inclusive practices within the motion picture industry's businesses and systems. It complements the Creative Pathways project, which is focused to serve British Columbians seeking access to careers in the motion picture industry.

The Creative Equity Roadmap is intended to serve Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDDI) work across the motion picture industry in B.C. It is:

    • a starting point, an invitation for collaboration and a contribution to the many important public materials being generated;

    • focused on supporting industry - the creative businesses, organizations and companies, recognizing that employers, labour organizations and industry associations have a particularly important role to play in changing systems;

    • intended as a practical approach, offering a high level framework for understanding the steps required as an organization for advancing the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • offers a shared language and method centering on Commitments and People Practices by which B.C.'s motion picture industry may collectively consider and advance the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • seeks to amplify the growing network of resources available in B.C. and Canada to support our collective work in this evolving field.


The Creative Equity Roadmap is developed in partnership between Creative BC and Elevate Inclusion Strategies. This resource was developed as an industry-focused support to increase cultural competence and inclusive practices within the motion picture industry's businesses and systems. It complements the Creative Pathways project, which is focused to serve British Columbians seeking access to careers in the motion picture industry.

The Creative Equity Roadmap is intended to serve Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDDI) work across the motion picture industry in B.C. It is:

    • a starting point, an invitation for collaboration and a contribution to the many important public materials being generated;

    • focused on supporting industry - the creative businesses, organizations and companies, recognizing that employers, labour organizations and industry associations have a particularly important role to play in changing systems;

    • intended as a practical approach, offering a high level framework for understanding the steps required as an organization for advancing the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • offers a shared language and method centering on Commitments and People Practices by which B.C.'s motion picture industry may collectively consider and advance the principles of Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion;

    • seeks to amplify the growing network of resources available in B.C. and Canada to support our collective work in this evolving field.

Apply the GDEIB: The Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks

Many organizations are making efforts internally and externally to improve their JEDDI practices. From trainings and workshops to workforce and self-identification surveys, many actions are being made visible. However, the work of methodically undertaking a thorough exercise to adjust the structures  that underpin an organization’s practices and actions takes time, perseverance and rigor. 

No matter where your organization is along its JEDDI journey, the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World (GDEIB) is a tremendous framework for common understanding, evaluation and mapping of your course toward improved practice. It is simplified below for ease of use, and is accessible online as a free, global tool and framework maintained by the Centre for Global Inclusion.

PLEASE NOTE: The authors of the GDEIB use the acronym DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). It is important to note that the authors of this website in B.C. use an expanded acronym, JEDDI, (Justice, Equity, Decolonization, Diversity and Inclusion) to recognize the role and importance of Justice and Decolonization in the local industry’s work. To localize the GDEIB’s content for British Columbia, the acronym JEDDI has replaced DEI throughout the text.

Use the Benchmarks to Assess Your Organization’s Current Position

The Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World (GDEIB) 

GDEIB Structure and Overview

The GDEIB offers 15 Actions organized into four groups that your organization can undertake toward greater greater diversity, equity and inclusion. Addressing all 15 is the most comprehensive and systemic approach.

  • LEVELS RATING SCALE: Use the detailed 5 Levels rating scale for each category to assess progress and evaluate where your organization stands. Benchmarks at Level 5 considered best practice. 

  • START HERE: Most organizations will need to address all of the Foundation and Bridging categories. 

  • THEN EXPAND: Organizations may be more selective about which of the Internal and External Categories to address.


The Foundation Group: Drive the Strategy

The Foundation Group’s three foundational categories build a strong JEDDI initiative. They are necessary for the effective operation of all other categories.

  1. Develop a strong rationale for JEDDI vision, mission, and strategy and align it to organizational goals. 
  2. Hold leaders accountable for implementing the organization’s JEDDI vision, setting goals, achieving results, and being role models. 
  3. Provide visible, dedicated support and structure with authority and budget to effectively implement JEDDI.
ACTION 1: Vision, Strategy, and Business Impact

Action: Develop a strong rationale for JEDDI vision and strategy and align it to organizational goals. 

JEDDI is embedded in the values, mission, culture, and processes of the organization and plays an integral part in achieving organizational growth and success. There is a clear JEDDI vision and mission, and an explicit understanding of the business impact, which allows for the development of measurements to track progress towards meeting JEDDI goals. The organization’s strategy includes numerical goals for equitable representation. It also includes goals that create inclusion and belonging. The organization is a known leader in JEDDI and is frequently benchmarked by other organizations.


 1.1 JEDDI strategy is an integral part of the overall organizational strategy and is reflected in vision, values, policies, and practices.

 1.2 JEDDI is embedded in organizational culture as a core value, a source of innovation, and a means to belonging, sustainability and success.

 1.3 The organization is frequently acknowledged, cited, and benchmarked by others for its JEDDI accomplishments.

 1.4 The organization is proactive and responsive to JEDDI challenges that are faced by society, including but not limited to political and economic trends, and recognizes that organizations are microcosms of the societies in which they operate.

 1.5 The organization continues to strive for excellence and is known for its pioneering JEDDI initiatives that help change the patterns which perpetuate systemic oppression.

 1.6 The organization’s strategy includes numerical goals resulting in equitable representation of underrepresented groups across functions and levels.



 1.7 The organization’s JEDDI vision and goals to embed equity, prevent harassment, and reduce or eliminate discrimination and oppression are part of the organizational strategy.

 1.8 The majority of stakeholders acknowledge that JEDDI is important to the success of the organization.

 1.9 JEDDI competencies that help achieve the JEDDI strategy are demonstrated by most leaders and a majority of employees.

 1.10 The organization has examined its organizational culture and created strategies to eliminate inequities and reduce barriers to inclusion.

 1.11 JEDDI qualitative and quantitative goals are developed with the help of new technologies and algorithms that include input from a variety of stakeholders.

 1.12 The organization invests in ethical artificial intelligence to ensure that barriers to inclusion and equity are minimized.



 1.13 A JEDDI vision, mission, strategy, and business impact statement has been developed and communicated to all employees.

 1.14 JEDDI is defined broadly to include visible, non-visible, inherent, and acquired dimensions.

 1.15 JEDDI qualitative and quantitative goals that include input from a variety of internal and external stakeholders are being developed.

 1.16 Compliance with legislation that protects human rights and ensures safe workplaces is included in the strategy.



 1.17 A basic JEDDI vision, mission, and strategy have been developed and communicated to all employees.

 1.18 JEDDI is defined broadly to include some dimensions beyond gender, race, and ethnicity.

 1.19 Compliance with basic legislation is in place.



 1.20 There is no JEDDI vision, mission, strategy, goals, policies, principles, or program.

ACTION 2: Leadership and Accountability

Action: Hold leaders accountable for implementing the organization’s JEDDI vision, setting goals, achieving results, and being role models.

Leaders and board members view the accomplishment of JEDDI goals and objectives as an important part of their management and oversight responsibilities. They publicly support internal and external diversityrelated activities and are seen as JEDDI change agents. Leaders are held accountable for implementing the JEDDI strategy. They position JEDDI as a key component of their organization’s sustainability agenda and provide JEDDI coaching to those they manage, creating both a psychologically and physically safe workplace. Leadership development includes JEDDI competency building and this is evaluated when determining succession pools for leadership.



 2.1 Leaders are change agents and role models for JEDDI. They inspire others to take individual responsibility and become role models themselves.

 2.2 A large majority of employees across a wide array of diversity dimensions rate their leaders as trustworthy, citing equitable and inclusive treatment.

 2.3 Leaders and board members publicly support JEDDI-related initiatives, even if they are perceived to be controversial or come with personal risk.

 2.4 Leaders ensure that JEDDI is systemic, sustainable, and involves cross-functional collaboration.

 2.5 Leaders take accountability for JEDDI, help create both a psychologically and physically safe workplace, and accept consequences for their actions.



 2.6 Leaders promote DEI initiatives, communicate the strategy, and provide recognition for JEDDI champions and advocates.

 2.7 The leadership and board of directors are diverse, engaged in JEDDI issues, and accountable for achieving the JEDDI strategy.

 2.8 Leaders are competent in applying conflict resolution skills to resolve JEDDI-related grievances and challenges.

 2.9 Leaders are rewarded for demonstrating high competency in JEDDI.



 2.10 JEDDI is an essential leadership competency and leaders are rated on it.

 2.11 Leaders engage in JEDDI issues important to employees and prevalent in the societies in which they operate.

 2.12 To increase their knowledge and competence, leaders seek coaching in JEDDI and provide coaching, sponsoring, and mentoring to others.



 2.13 Leaders are generally unfamiliar or uncomfortable with JEDDI.

 2.14 Although leaders accept some responsibility for JEDDI, the focus is mainly on complying with regulations.

 2.15 Leaders defer regularly to HR or Legal when concerns regarding JEDDI are observed or reported.



 2.16 There is no leadership involvement or accountability for JEDDI.

 2.17 Leaders do not see differences as opportunities for enrichment, progress, and success.

ACTION 3: DEI Structure and Implementation

Action: Provide visible, dedicated support and structure with authority and budget to effectively implement JEDDI.

As a reflection of the importance of JEDDI, there is a dedicated person with JEDDI expertise on the executive management team and at the Board level. These leaders interact with and have full access to other leaders and the rest of the board, and, if the organization’s size merits it, has a professional staff dedicated to JEDDI. In addition, there are teams, committees or networks within the organization that champion JEDDI initiatives. JEDDI professional staff have an adequate budget and resources to implement the strategy.



 3.1 The most senior person responsible for JEDDI is an equal and influential partner on the senior leadership team.

 3.2 JEDDI is integrated into core organizational structures, policies, systems, and practices.

 3.3 Diversity is reflected equitably in all levels and functions.

 3.4 Inclusive/universal design of buildings, products, services, and emerging technologies helps ensure accessibility for all.

 3.5 The organization’s governance structure is supported by inclusive practices to mitigate concentrations of power and dominance.

 3.6 The organization ensures that structures for elected positions (for example in unions and diversity networks, and community/political positions) are fair and equitable.


 3.7 The board of directors has a committee dedicated to DEI.

 3.8 The organization provides resources, staffing, and support to help ensure implementation of its JEDDI strategy.

 3.9 The JEDDI function is headed by an influential leader who is knowledgeable about and committed to JEDDI.

 3.10 An organization-wide JEDDI council/committee, which includes line and staff employees, is given visible and meaningful support by leaders.

 3.11 Diversity networks are recognized as credible, influential, and valued resources to the organization. They sometimes coordinate in recognition of their intersectionality.

 3.12 All departments/business units collaborate to ensure a holistic and integrated approach to JEDDI.


 3.13 The organization has a JEDDI champion/ leader with responsibility for JEDDI.

 3.14 Departments have their own JEDDI councils/committees.

 3.15 A budget has been allocated to cover JEDDI implementation, including support for diversity networks.

 3.16 If the organization has labour unions or similar groups, they are engaged and included in JEDDI efforts.

 3.17 Members of the JEDDI department or function are called upon for advice, counsel, and expertise.


 3.18 JEDDI is simply an additional duty of the human resources, legal, or other department.

 3.19 Diversity networks and JEDDI committees may exist, but they have no real power, influence, or resources.


 3.20 There is no organizational structure, policy, or budget for JEDDI.

 3.21 No one in the organization has formal responsibility for JEDDI.


The Internal Group: Attract & Retain People

The four categories in the Internal Group focus primarily on strengthening policies, systems and processes to advance JEDDI. 

Many JEDDI programmes have emphasized categories in the Internal Group. One reason is that this group is part of the Human Resources function, which is where JEDDI has traditionally been placed on the organization chart. 

Consideration should be made to position JEDDI where it can effectively work with all other functions and departments to facilitate change. 

Attract & Retain People

  • Ensure that attraction, sourcing, and recruitment is done through the lens of JEDDI.

  • Ensure that JEDDI is integrated into professional development, performance management, advancement, and retention.

  • Ensure that job design and classification are evaluated for bias and that compensation is equitable across key dimensions of diversity.

  • Achieve work-life integration, flexibility, and equitable benefits. Flexible work options are widely available and accessible.

ACTION 4: Recruitment

Action: Ensure that attraction, sourcing, and recruitment is done through the lens of JEDDI. 

A conscious effort is made to attract applicants from diverse groups to achieve and maintain a workforce that is equitably representative across levels and functions. Advertising and recruitment are targeted to diverse communities. Diversity on interviewing panels is standard, and staffing/ hiring managers are educated on the impact of conscious and unconscious bias. The recruitment process is regularly reviewed to ensure it is equitable and fair. Hiring of underrepresented groups is roughly proportionate to their representation. There are clear JEDDI measures of success throughout the recruitment process.



 4.1 The organization’s attraction and hiring processes result in measurable, transparent, and equitable recruitment.

 4.2 The organization’s reputation for quality JEDDI efforts enhances its ability to attract diverse and underrepresented employees.

 4.3 When technological solutions are used for recruitment, the organization implements practices to minimize or remove algorithmic bias.

 4.4 The organization conducts regular evaluations of recruiting practices to ensure that candidates from different groups and identities are given equitable opportunities.

 4.5 There are clear measures of success throughout the recruitment process, such as the percentage of diverse and underrepresented applicants at each stage.


 4.6 The organization effectively recruits from representative labour markets.

 4.7 Recruitment includes advertising on JEDDI focused websites and in a variety of other media.

 4.8 Recruitment and selection panels are diverse and knowledgeable about recruiting processes and in mitigating biases.


 4.9 Interviewers conduct culturally competent interviews.

 4.10 Staff are hired for their competence and their ability to bring diverse perspectives to the work and not only because they are from an underrepresented identity group.

 4.11 The organization’s advertisements and/or diversity networks reach broad pools of diverse talent.

 4.12 External search firms are selected based in part on their expertise in diversity recruiting.


 4.13 Recruitment is based primarily on representation to meet numerical goals or targets.

 4.14 Recruitment practices do not include sourcing diverse candidates from underrepresented groups.

 4.15 Interviewers do not consider how people from different cultures and backgrounds may respond to interview questions and methods.


 4.16 There is no effort to recruit employees from underrepresented groups.

 4.17 Other than a short statement that the organization has an equal opportunity or similar policy, there is no mention of JEDDI in the  organization’s recruitment practices.

ACTION 5: Attraction and Retention

Action: Ensure that JEDDI is integrated into talent development, performance management, advancement, and retention.

A conscious effort is made to maintain a workforce that is diverse across levels and functions. High-potential employees from underrepresented groups are provided with coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship opportunities to advance within the organization. The onboarding process results in all new employees feeling valued and included. Promotion and advancement of underrepresented groups is proportional to the representation of those groups in the organization. Performance reviews, and involuntary and voluntary turnover of underrepresented groups are measured and analyzed using interviews, employee engagement surveys, and so forth.



 5.1 The organization’s talent management, advancement, and retention processes result in equitable treatment of employees.

 5.2 Diverse employees hold positions at all levels and functions to ensure equitable representation. 

 5.3 The organization’s reputation for quality JEDDI initiatives enhances its ability to retain and advance diverse employees.

 5.4 The pool of candidates in the organization’s succession plan is diverse along multiple dimensions and prioritizes underrepresented groups.

 5.5 Turnover is at an acceptable rate. Adverse impact, unfairness, and discrimination are not the primary cause of turnover.

 5.6 The onboarding process results in all new employees feeling valued and included.


 5.7 The organization’s talent management plan emphasizes retention of underrepresented employees at most levels and in most functions.

 5.8 All employees are encouraged to consider advancement opportunities and positions outside their current functional, technical, or professional area.

 5.9 The organization counteracts bias in advancement and develops practices to overcome inequities.

 5.10 The organization has established mentoring and/or coaching processes to help ensure advancement and retention.

 5.11 The organization conducts regular stay and exit interviews to understand its culture of inclusion and belonging.


 5.12 An onboarding process is beginning to show effectiveness at integrating underrepresented employees into the organization.

 5.13 The workforce is beginning to reflect the diversity found in the organization’s labour markets.

 5.14 Turnover is actively and regularly tracked with exit interviews to understand JEDDI issues and remove barriers to retention.

 5.15 The organization offers a variety of advancement opportunities responsive to diverse needs.

 5.16 The organization addresses conscious and unconscious bias in its entire talent development processes.


 5.17 Advancement and promotion processes are based primarily on representation to meet numerical or equity goals or targets.


 5.18 There is no effort to advance or retain employees from underrepresented groups at any level.

 5.19 The entire talent management process is not sensitive to cultural and other differences.

ACTION 6: Job Design, Classification, and Compensation

Action: Ensure that job design and classification are evaluated for bias and that compensation is equitable across key dimensions of diversity.

The organization systematically reviews job requirements, classifications, technology and compensation for potential bias and adverse impact. Job descriptions and requirements are understandable and do not include nonjob-related factors. The organization designs work to accommodate—as much as possible—individual needs as well as the organization’s needs. Remuneration is based on job requirements and performance. The organization aspires to pay at minimum a living wage, in accordance with locally agreed upon standards. 

Compensation analyses are conducted regularly to ensure that biases based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, function, and other potential areas of discrimination are significantly reduced.



 6.1 The organization maintains equitable job design, classification, and compensation practices.

 6.2 Jobs are designed to ensure that roles and responsibilities support work/life integration and decent work for all.

 6.3 Regular reviews of pay differentials are conducted and discrepancies between underrepresented groups and dominant groups are eliminated.

 6.4 Performance, pay, bonuses, and promotions are tied to a variety of JEDDI measures.


 6.5 Classification and compensation systems are regularly reviewed to address inequities.

 6.6 There are measures in place to ensure that the role, authority, decision making, and benefits of a job do not change when a member of an underrepresented group is appointed.

 6.7 Employees are paid for performance and outcomes rather than attendance.

 6.8 Job requirements and descriptions are clear and not confused with non-job-related factors, especially those based on preferences and biases.

 6.9 Job design accommodates employees’ need for part time or flexible work, working nonstandard hours, working remotely, and taking leave for personal or other reasons.


 6.10 The organization pays wages that exceed the legal minimum for the local marketplace.

 6.11 Work and job roles are designed to align individual talents and needs with organizational requirements.

 6.12 Job classification and compensation systems are understood by most employees.

 6.13 The organization has standardized job designs to minimize subjectivity and ensure equity.


 6.14 Some written procedures exist for classifying jobs and determining compensation, but these are frequently determined by supervisors’ personal preferences.

 6.15 Pay equity is measured and audited only if required by law.

 6.16 The organization adheres to locally agreed upon minimum wage levels.

 6.17 Based on stereotypes involving language, gender, age, race, culture or disability, some jobs are thought to be a “better fit” for members of certain groups.


 6.18 The organization lacks methods for classifying jobs, determining compensation, and assessing pay differences of underrepresented groups

ACTION 7: Work-life Integration, Flexibility, and Benefits

Action: Achieve work-life integration, flexibility, and equitable benefits. Flexible work options are widely available and accessible.

Work-life integration, flexibility, and equitable benefits are encouraged, actively promoted, recognized as enhancements of productivity, and are not career limiting. To this end, the organization’s performance management focusses on output, contribution and impact. Benefits and services that are specific to the diverse needs of employees are provided based on ongoing assessments of employee needs. Some examples are: subsidized dependent-care, parental leave, extended family consideration, eldercare, emergency care, fitness programs, and paid leave. Accommodations for religious practices, persons with disabilities, and others are achieved with care and consideration and go beyond legal requirements. 

Organizations and their leaders prioritize psychological safety, security, and wellness within their employees’ work environment.



 7.1 The organization’s policies and practices regarding benefits, work-life integration and flexibility meet the organization’s commitment to decent work, psychological safety, and respect for human rights.

 7.2 A comprehensive range of flexible benefits and services, including education, counselling, and physical and mental health services are provided equitably to all employees whether permanent or temporary.

 7.3 The organization gives benefits to part time and temporary employees. 

 7.4 All leaders model and encourage work-life integration.

 7.5 Working part-time, job sharing, working remotely, and other flexible work arrangements are available for all appropriate positions and levels.

 7.6 Benefits and services are regularly adapted to changing conditions such as pandemics and natural disasters, and technological breakthroughs.


 7.7 Policies and practices guard against favouritism and are communicated and applied equitably across the organization in a culturally sensitive way.

 7.8 An inclusive concept of family that is multicultural and non-patriarchal guides family friendly policies including childcare and eldercare, emergency care.

 7.9 Paid leave beyond what is legally required is provided and used. The definition of family is inclusive. This may include caregiving for partners, children, and adult dependents or bereavement for extended families.

 7.10 Using flexible work arrangements does not negatively impact employee performance, evaluation, advancement, or benefits.

 7.11 Facilities and accommodations for meditation, religious practices, lactation, and other needs are provided.

 7.12 Technology support for mobility, disabilities, mental health, and flexible work arrangements are available for employees.


 7.13 The organizational culture equitably treats those who work flexible schedules.

 7.14 Religious practices, cultural celebrations, and holidays are accommodated, even when they are not the practices of the dominant culture.

 7.15 Flexibility in personal appearance and designing one’s workspace are accepted if done in a non-offensive manner and under an agreed upon policy.


 7.16 Benefit programs generally are “one size-fits-all” and their value or relevance to employees is not monitored.

 7.17 Work schedules are generally traditional, inflexible, or compliance driven.

 7.18 Flexibility may be applied inconsistently or perceived as favouritism.


 7.19 There is no provision for childcare and family needs, schedule flexibility, or work leave other than what is legally required.


The Bridging Group: Align & Connect

The four categories in this group provide critical linkages that bridge foundational work with the internal and external focus of JEDDI in the organization.

It would be difficult for any of the benchmarks in the other Groups to be achieved without effective work in the Bridging Group. 

  • Ensure that all assessments, measurement, and research guide JEDDI decisions.

  • Make communication clear, simple to understand and a crucial force in achieving the organization’s JEDDI goals.

  • Educate all to achieve the level of JEDDI competence and confidence needed to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.

  • Connect the organization’s JEDDI and Sustainability initiatives to increase the effectiveness of both.

ACTION 8: Assessment, Measurement, and Research

Action: Ensure that assessments, measurement, and research guide JEDDI decisions.

JEDDI measures are explicitly linked to strategy and have an impact on leaders at all levels, including their performance appraisals, recognition, and rewards. The organization has a dashboard or scorecard for reputational risk assessment on JEDDI issues. The views of stakeholders are an important factor in measuring JEDDI and sustainability performance for both the organization and individuals. The measurements include stakeholder opinions and experiences, and a mix of quantitative and qualitative measures. Information on all aspects of JEDDI is gathered and evaluated using practices such as 360-feedback and/or multifaceted, culturally sensitive, and linguistically appropriate feedback, focus groups, opinion and engagement surveys, and organizational audits.



 8.1 In-depth JEDDI assessments are regularly conducted on the overall organization and within departments, and the results are incorporated into strategy and implementation.

 8.2 The organization regularly reports and reviews progress against benchmarks and has consistently demonstrated significant improvements in meeting JEDDI goals over several years.

 8.3 The organization is known for its investment in JEDDI research and the impact of research on organizational performance.

 8.4 A reputational risk assessment including several JEDDI issues, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, harassment, disability discrimination, and other forms of discrimination, is regularly conducted.

 8.5 The organization ensures that the design of its assessment, measurement, and research incorporate JEDDI perspectives.


 8.6 Integrated, multiple approaches to monitoring and evaluating JEDDI goals are implemented to track their impact, outcomes, and effectiveness.

 8.7 The organization invests in research to study JEDDI for both internal and external purposes.

 8.8 JEDDI measurement is integrated into assessment tools, such as engagement surveys or cultural audits.

 8.9 All employees are measured on their performance, which includes JEDDI goals.

 8.10 Information from all assessments from employees, former employees, and customers shape future JEDDI initiatives.

 8.11 Culturally competent artificial intelligence is used to identify and minimize bias in assessment tools.

 8.12 All organizational assessments have been reviewed from a JEDDI perspective and work to counteract bias.


 8.13 Employees regard JEDDI measurements as credible and they participate willingly in assessment, measurement, and research.

 8.14 Cultural audits, assessments, and surveys take into account such issues as language, education levels, complexity, and accessibility.

 8.15 Data are sorted by self-identified characteristics and diversity dimensions to increase an organization’s learnings about employee groups.

 8.16 The organization regularly conducts a census of employee demographics and monitors representation throughout the organization.

 8.17 The principles of self-identification for use in collection of employee information is clear, applied ethically, and agreed-upon by all impacted parties.


 8.18 Representation of groups of some diversity dimensions are monitored, but only if required by law.

 8.19 Measurements are primarily based on past indicators, such as turnover, lawsuits, and complaints.


 8.20 There are no assessments to gather information about underrepresented employee or customer needs and concerns.

ACTION 9: DEI Communications

Action: Make communication clear, simple to understand, and a crucial force in achieving the organization’s JEDDI goals.

Communications professionals are educated about JEDDI and its link with sustainability. All internal and external communication is fully accessible and available in multiple formats and, if applicable, in locally spoken languages. The organization has made and communicated a decision on the use of inclusive language to account for various diversity dimensions. The communication sent out both internally and externally does not prejudice or harm any group intentionally and where this occurs, it is corrected quickly and clearly. JEDDI topics are easy and quick to find on the organization’s websites and social media platforms. JEDDI communication is frequent, ongoing, innovative, and contributes to an enhanced reputation for the organization. 

Progress on reaching JEDDI vision and goals is reported to the public regularly.



 9.1 The organization is known for its high quality JEDDI initiatives that are regularly communicated internally and externally enhancing the organization’s reputation.

 9.2 JEDDI content is easily and quickly located on the organization’s websites. Information is thorough, regularly updated, and fully accessible.

 9.3 The organization has made and communicated a policy on the use of inclusive language on race and ethnicity, gender, gender identity, and gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, and other dimensions.

 9.4 The organization uses bold and transparent communication in naming and dealing with challenging issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, privilege, toxic masculinity, and white supremacy.

 9.5 The organization uses live and accurate translation services to ensure accessibility and linguistic inclusion.


 9.6 The purposes of JEDDI initiatives are clearly stated, and communication strategies are adapted for different stakeholders.

 9.7 Information on JEDDI is sent frequently and systematically through a variety of channels to employees and other stakeholders.

 9.8 Communications professionals and speechwriters are knowledgeable about JEDDI and they include JEDDI messages in general communications.

 9.9 The organization has an ethical framework to leverage social media in both internal and external communication platforms.

 9.10 The organization proactively addresses socially-charged issues and events related to JEDDI internally and externally, including on social media.


 9.11 The organization integrates JEDDI into many aspects of communication.

 9.12 The organization encourages employees to discuss DEI and provide input to the organization’s initiatives.

 9.13 The organization enables employees to indicate gender pronouns, if desired, on email signatures and other written communication.

 9.14 Translations and other accessible formats are provided when needed. Communication is location-sensitive across countries, dialects, and languages, including braille, sign language, and closed captioning.


 9.15 JEDDI communication is done solely to remind or educate employees about adhering to policy and compliance requirements.

 9.16 Most JEDDI communication is disseminated by councils/ committees or diversity networks rather than through regular organizational channels and therefore is sometimes seen as not officially endorsed by the organization.

 9.17 Language translations are only provided when legally required.


 9.18 There is no explicit communication about JEDDI.

 9.19 Discussions on JEDDI are perceived to be risky and are avoided.

ACTION 10: DEI Learning and Development

Action: Educate all to achieve a level of JEDDI competence and confidence needed to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.

Leaders and employees throughout the organization receive JEDDI training specific to their job and level geared to achieving the organization’s goals. Learning and education is also offered to other stakeholders such as vendors, and the public at large. A JEDDI lens is used to integrate all learning and education programs. The organization uses blended JEDDI learning and continuously updates and customizes this to changing stakeholder needs. Programs may focus on general JEDDI and on specific issues such as systemic and structural racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, white supremacy, internalized oppression, classism, heterosexism, prejudice, discrimination (including harassment and bullying), privilege, micro-aggressions, and conscious and unconscious bias, all of which are addressed with sensitivity, conviction, and compassion, and in ways that enhance inclusion and equity.



 10.1 JEDDI is integrated into all learning offered internally and externally.

 10.2 JEDDI learning programs result in behaviour change that advances the organization’s strategy and enhances inclusion and equity.

 10.3 Learning and education addresses racism, anti-racism, sexism, white supremacy, privilege, internalized oppression, classism/casteism, homophobia, transphobia, religious bias, disabilities, mental health awareness, and other issues.

 10.4 Development through involvement in high-profile projects is transparent and encouraged for underrepresented groups.


 10.5 JEDDI professionals, experts in learning methods and intercultural education, members of diversity networks, and organizational leaders are involved in the design, development, delivery, workplace application, and evaluation of JEDDI learning and education.

 10.6 JEDDI content is adapted and customized to the local environment, cultural nuances, languages, and social and political realities.

 10.7 JEDDI learning and education involves ongoing, multi-year, developmental curricula.

 10.8 All employees and key external stakeholders are educated on the importance of equity and ways to mitigate and remove discrimination and bias.

 10.9 The organization provides training to both current and new suppliers on how to engage and access supplier opportunities.

 10.10 A variety of innovative JEDDI tools including micro-learning, chatbots, gaming, social media, blended learning, coaching, physical classrooms and virtual platforms, and instructor-led learning, are accessible to all employees regardless of level, location, or function.


 10.11 Employees are exposed to and actively seek engagement across organizational functions, as well as externally with diverse markets and stakeholders.

 10.12 Experiential learning, including virtual reality and simulations, is used to help employees experience different identities and learn how to best respond to JEDDI situations.

 10.13 The organization ensures that all staff are able to fully participate in virtual meetings, innovative learning methods, and the use of technology.

 10.14 All employees and, if needed, their families, receive cultural awareness training when relocating internationally, and when working with international teams.

 10.15 The organization encourages cultural celebrations and organization-wide activities that combine social interaction with JEDDI learning.

  10.16 When possible all training sessions are populated with a diverse group of learners to offer an experience of working with others who represent different diversity dimensions.


 10.17 JEDDI learning is brief and focused only on educating employees about policies, meeting  legal requirements, or addressing inappropriate language or labels.

 10.18 JEDDI programs are primarily packaged and are not tailored for local and specific cultural needs and issues.

 10.19 Learning programs may be offered in reaction to special dates such as women’s or pride month, with no linkage to strategy.


 10.20 There are no formal JEDDI learning or educational activities.

ACTION 11: Connecting DEI and Sustainability

Action: Connect the organization’s JEDDI and Sustainability initiatives to increase the effectiveness of both.
The organization connects and aligns JEDDI and sustainability initiatives. There is a clear link between the organization’s sustainability strategy (based on ESG – environmental, social, and governance – dimensions or factors) and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The strategies for each initiative support the other, and opportunities for collaboration make both initiatives stronger. Leaders and practitioners in sustainability participate in the JEDDI initiative and vice versa. Both work with diverse stakeholders and report progress to the public.

The sustainability definition for the GDEIB is: Sustainability is the process of simultaneously pursuing:

  • societal equity
  • workplace inclusion
  • economic prosperity and
  • long term environmental health.

For the purposes of the GDEIB, the values and desired outcomes of JEDDI work are viewed as similar to the goals of Sustainability.

  1. The definition of Sustainability adopted by the United Nations is “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” To date, 193 world leaders agreed to achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) by 2030 as the framework to achieve sustainability. The 5 Ps that shape the SDGs are People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership.
  2. Another definition comes from an African conference delegate: “Enough— for all—forever.”
  3. Another related term used by some corporations and the investor community in their advocacy for Sustainability is ESG – Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. This refers to the three central factors in measuring sustainability and social impact. These factors embrace the UN concept of “leave no one behind” and invite us to consider this meaning of success: “I succeed when you succeed.”


 11.1 JEDDI is seen as integral to the sustainability of the organization and its stakeholders. Sustainability is fully integrated into JEDDI strategies/initiatives.

 11.2 The organization has evidence that its sustainability and JEDDI initiatives benefit from their alignment with each other and show more meaningful impact than if they were separate and unconnected.

 11.3 The organization takes a leadership role in influencing and supporting the connection of JEDDI and sustainability initiatives locally and globally including being a champion of ESG and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

 11.4 The organization adapts its sustainability strategy, policies, and practices based on collaboration with diverse stakeholders.

 11.5 The organization’s public reporting on sustainability integrates its performance on DEI and includes an accurate assessment of its challenges.


 11.6 Innovative digital technologies contribute to the organization’s commitment to ESG and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

 11.7 The organization has a sustainability strategy, which recognizes the link between JEDDI and sustainability.

 11.8 JEDDI leaders partner with the organization’s sustainability initiative. Likewise, sustainability leaders partner with the JEDDI initiative.

 11.9 The organization’s sustainability data are analyzed and sorted to enable reviewers to determine the impact on diverse groups.

 11.10 The organization financially supports JEDDI and sustainability initiatives, whether global, regional, or local.


 11.11 The sustainability strategy proactively and specifically calls for the integration of diverse voices and perspectives.

 11.12 JEDDI and sustainability professionals receive learning and education to keep up to date with developments both in sustainability and JEDDI.


 11.13 There is a superficial effort to connect JEDDI and the organization’s sustainability goals.


 11.14 There is no sustainability function or no organizational connection between JEDDI and sustainability.


The External Group: Listen to & Serve Society

The four categories in this group relate to how the organization offers its services and products to and interacts with its customers, clients, communities, and other stakeholders. The External Group is critically important because it is through an emphasis on these categories that the most direct results of the organization’s JEDDI rationale/ business impact will be shown.

  • Be proactive in working with community, public and private partnerships, government, society at large, and through philanthropy.
  • Embed JEDDI in services and products development to serve diverse customers and clients.
  • Integrate JEDDI into marketing and customer service.
  • Practice responsible and ethical sourcing. Develop and nurture underrepresented suppliers.
ACTION 12: Community, Government Relations, and Philanthropy

Action: Be proactive in working with community, public and private partnerships, government, society at large, and through philanthropy.

The organization is a recognized leader for supporting and advocating for JEDDI interests in communities and society, and in working with government. The organization is socially responsible and leverages efforts with industry or sector peers. It is generous in partnering with or supporting other organizations in their JEDDI initiatives to advance JEDDI in the community.

Where appropriate, special efforts are made to acknowledge indigenous communities and to respect their territory and adhere to legal and cultural requirements when entering their space. Employees are encouraged to participate in and support various community projects, share JEDDI learning from such activities, and reinforce the organization’s commitment to JEDDI.

These efforts are explicitly linked to the organization’s sustainability strategy.The four categories in this group relate to how the organization offers its services and products to and interacts with its customers, clients, communities, and other stakeholders. 



 12.1 The organization is explicit in living its JEDDI values and actively supports, invests in, and advocates for JEDDI-related initiatives in the community, government, and society at large.

 12.2 The organization takes bold stands in word and action on societal issues related to achieving equity and justice for marginalized people, such as #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #Genderbasedviolence, #UnitedAgainstRacism, and #Standup4humanrights.

 12.3 The organization has addressed and atoned for any past behaviours and policies with regard to the mistreatment of people.

 12.4 The organization helps its community by promoting economic growth, addressing  income inequality and groups that have been historically disadvantaged.

 12.5 The organization encourages employee volunteerism in community projects by providing time off and/or compensation and rewards  where appropriate.


 12.6 The organization’s philanthropy and social responsibility strategies promote JEDDI.

 12.7 The organization’s community investment supports those most in need.

 12.8 The organization supports scholarship, paid internship programs and/or apprenticeships for  underrepresented populations.

 12.9 Employees are encouraged to volunteer in their community. In some cases, the organization “loans” them to work for community organizations or matches their volunteer hours with monetary contributions.

 12.10 Community development plans are designed in collaboration with diverse groups, including those from underrepresented or marginalized groups.

 12.11 The organization uses objective criteria to fund nonprofit organizations to ensure that bias in philanthropy is mitigated.


 12.12 The organization partners with other organizations that work to advance the rights of underrepresented groups in the community.

 12.13 The organization supports JEDDI publicly when exclusionary and discriminatory actions occur in the community or society at large.

 12.14 Individuals who have made a significant difference with JEDDI in their communities are recognized and honoured by their organization.


 12.15 There is some involvement in or support for societal JEDDI issues but only if considered non-controversial.

 12.16 There is some support for the community, schools, and/or local government projects, primarily for public relations purposes.


 12.17 There is no involvement or support provided to community, government, and societal initiatives related to JEDDI.

 12.18 The organization has no philanthropy.

ACTION 13: Services and Product Development

Action: Embed JEDDI in services and products development to serve diverse customers and clients.

DEI considerations are integrated into the services and products development cycle to leverage the diversity of the communities they serve. The process contributes to social and economic progress and eliminates or reduces inequities. Service or product development teams are diverse and include customers, stakeholders, and community representatives. Recognition is  also given to the value of JEDDI in innovation, and the organization consistently leverages the diversity of cultures, lived experiences, perspectives, and thought for product and service improvement.



 13.1 The organization successfully leverages diverse teams, including diversity networks, customers, partners, the community, and other stakeholders, to improve its products and services.

 13.2 The product and service development cycles prioritize diversity and accessibility from the start. The organization doesn’t merely adapt products first developed for the dominant group or culture.

 13.3 The organization contributes to equity by creating services and products that advance social and economic progress.

 13.4 Humane and ethical technology is used to ensure access and equity, for example in inclusive facial recognition systems.

 13.5 Voice and facial recognition software is sensitive to accents, dialects, gender, race/ethnicity, age, and other characteristics.


 13.6 Changes in demographics, values, and consumer behaviours are researched, anticipated, and addressed.

 13.7 Culturally responsive products and services, such as engaging a traditional healer in a hospital, Sharia-compliant financial products, and products for left-handed users, are accepted and provided.

 13.8 The organization leverages diverse teams to improve the quality and innovation of products and services.


 13.9 Products and services are analyzed for their value to current and potential customers and are tailored appropriately.

 13.10 Staff and/or consultants with expertise in JEDDI are involved in products and services development.

 13.11 Research and product testing help analyze how different customer/stakeholder groups and cultures may perceive, value, and use the organization’s products and services.

 13.12 Accessibility for persons with disabilities is routinely considered in the development and delivery of products and services.


 13.13 There is limited interest in developing  or altering products and services based on customer preferences, needs, or demographics.

 13.14 Only when required by law is there adaptation of services and products for accessibility.


 13.15 No effort is made to adapt products or services for diverse customers.

 13.16 Development teams are mostly homogenous.

Embed JEDDI in services and products development to serve diverse customers and clients.

DEI considerations are integrated into the services and products development cycle to leverage the diversity of the communities they serve. The process contributes to social and economic progress and eliminates or reduces inequities. Service or product development teams are diverse and include customers, stakeholders, and community representatives. Recognition is  also given to the value of JEDDI in innovation, and the organization consistently leverages the diversity of cultures, lived experiences, perspectives, and thought for product and service improvement.



 13.1 The organization successfully leverages diverse teams, including diversity networks, customers, partners, the community, and other stakeholders, to improve its products and services.

 13.2 The product and service development cycles prioritize diversity and accessibility from the start. The organization doesn’t merely adapt products first developed for the dominant group or culture.

 13.3 The organization contributes to equity by creating services and products that advance social and economic progress.

 13.4 Humane and ethical technology is used to ensure access and equity, for example in inclusive facial recognition systems.

 13.5 Voice and facial recognition software is sensitive to accents, dialects, gender, race/ethnicity, age, and other characteristics.


 13.6 Changes in demographics, values, and consumer behaviours are researched, anticipated, and addressed.

 13.7 Culturally responsive products and services, such as engaging a traditional healer in a hospital, Sharia-compliant financial products, and products for left-handed users, are accepted and provided.

 13.8 The organization leverages diverse teams to improve the quality and innovation of products and services.


 13.9 Products and services are analyzed for their value to current and potential customers and are tailored appropriately.

 13.10 Staff and/or consultants with expertise in JEDDI are involved in products and services development.

 13.11 Research and product testing help analyze how different customer/stakeholder groups and cultures may perceive, value, and use the organization’s products and services.

 13.12 Accessibility for persons with disabilities is routinely considered in the development and delivery of products and services.


 13.13 There is limited interest in developing  or altering products and services based on customer preferences, needs, or demographics.

 13.14 Only when required by law is there adaptation of services and products for accessibility.


 13.15 No effort is made to adapt products or services for diverse customers.

 13.16 Development teams are mostly homogenous.

ACTION 14: Marketing and Customer Service

Action: Integrate JEDDI into marketing and customer service.

Marketing and customer service strategies meet the needs of diverse groups. Sophisticated market analysis techniques are deployed on an ongoing basis to understand the organization’s diverse customer and stakeholder base. The organization uses JEDDI relevant marketing and customer service approaches within and across countries, regions, cultures, generations, and languages. Marketing and advertising strategies are inclusive and challenge stereotypes. While outside JEDDI expertise may sometimes be sought, the organization leverages the expertise of its diverse staff. Accessibility and cultural sensitivity are incorporated into the process of design and development of all marketing materials and customer service strategies.


 14.1 The organization uses advanced and unbiased analysis techniques to understand and respond to the diversity of its customer  base, including nuances of intersectionality.

 14.2 Artificial intelligence-based customer service applications, such as personal assistants, are programmed to speak to people in ways they prefer and can understand, such as gender, language, accent, and dialect.

 14.3 Marketing strategies developed for specific communities are tracked to ensure they are culturally relevant and valued.

 14.4 While outside JEDDI expertise may also be sought, the organization leverages the marketing, sales, distribution, and customer service expertise of its diverse staff.


 14.5 The organization successfully incorporates marketing, sales, and distribution strategies to  meet the needs of diverse customers.

 14.6 All marketing materials, including images and language are reflective of the organization’s commitment to JEDDI.

 14.7 Marketing, advertising, public relations, and all customer contact methods promote positive role models and do not perpetuate stereotypes.

 14.8 The marketing and sales force is interculturally competent and can adapt and work effectively with customers from many backgrounds.

 14.9 All marketing and customer service processes are fully accessible.


 14.10 Diverse groups of customers and potential customers are surveyed to help shape marketing, sales, distribution, and customer  service strategies.

 14.11 Market testing includes diverse groups.

 14.12 Inclusion of various diversity dimensions is a strong consideration in staffing marketing and customer service.

 14.13 Marketing collateral print and digital materials represent and reflect diverse markets.


 14.14 The organization only recognizes broad differences among its customers, such as young and old or men and women.

 14.15 Even if products and services are marketed differently to different groups, the advertising is not culturally sensitive.

 14.16 Customer service and marketing are accessible for persons with disabilities only where required by law


 14.17 No oversight exists to ensure that advertising or public communications do not perpetuate stereotypes.

 14.18 There are no marketing or customer service initiatives to serve the diverse needs of customers.

ACTION 15: Responsible Sourcing

Action: Practice responsible and ethical sourcing. Develop and nurture underrepresented suppliers.

Responsible and ethical sourcing refers to a commitment to purchase a significant percentage of goods and services from organizations committed to high standards in JEDDI, sustainability, ethical behaviour, and Fair Trade. Further, the organization supports its current and potential suppliers in maintaining high standards through education and systems that enable them to compete equitably with other suppliers—the ultimate goal being to create sustainable, successful, and prosperous societies.



 15.1 The organization has embedded JEDDI in its responsible and ethical sourcing as evidenced by its policies, systems, and  inclusive practices.

 15.2 The organization treats its suppliers with respect and dignity, pays them in a timely manner and collaborates with them to make the supply process work for all.

 15.3 The economic benefit of responsible sourcing to the community is measured and reported.

 15.4 The organization’s suppliers provide evidence that both they and their suppliers achieve their own JEDDI goals.


 15.5 The organization allocates a specific amount of what it spends on essential and non-essential goods and services from underrepresented suppliers.

 15.6 The organization is proactive in seeking and attracting underrepresented groups by informing both potential and established suppliers about business opportunities.

 15.7 JEDDI criteria are included in the supplier selection process and given weight in decision making.

 15.8 Checks and balances are built into the responsible and ethical sourcing process to counteract the impact of unconscious bias and discrimination.

 15.9 Educational support and coaching is provided to underrepresented suppliers to help them be competitive.

 15.10 The organization publishes information about its annual expenditures with underrepresented suppliers including progress against goals, and successful contracting rates.


 15.11 All staff responsible for sourcing are provided with JEDDI education and are held accountable for achieving responsible sourcing goals.

 15.12 The organization’s supplier database includes information about the diversity of owners and employees that supply goods or services.

 15.13 The organization uses the services of organizations globally /nationally/locally that certify or accredit businesses owned by underrepresented suppliers and that regulate Fair Trade.

 15.14 The organization seeks opportunities to engage with and inform underrepresented suppliers that their business is welcomed.


 15.15 Engaging in JEDDI may be a supply proposal criterion, but it is given minimal importance.

 15.16 There is some attempt to include a few underrepresented suppliers, but primarily for small, one-time, or low-fee contracts or because it is required by law.


 15.17 No consideration is given to JEDDI when determining suppliers.

 15.18 There is no recognition of the value that underrepresented suppliers could bring to the organization.

Practice responsible and ethical sourcing. Develop and nurture underrepresented suppliers.

Responsible and ethical sourcing refers to a commitment to purchase a significant percentage of goods and services from organizations committed to high standards in JEDDI, sustainability, ethical behaviour, and Fair Trade. Further, the organization supports its current and potential suppliers in maintaining high standards through education and systems that enable them to compete equitably with other suppliers—the ultimate goal being to create sustainable, successful, and prosperous societies.



 15.1 The organization has embedded JEDDI in its responsible and ethical sourcing as evidenced by its policies, systems, and  inclusive practices.

 15.2 The organization treats its suppliers with respect and dignity, pays them in a timely manner and collaborates with them to make the supply process work for all.

 15.3 The economic benefit of responsible sourcing to the community is measured and reported.

 15.4 The organization’s suppliers provide evidence that both they and their suppliers achieve their own JEDDI goals.


 15.5 The organization allocates a specific amount of what it spends on essential and non-essential goods and services from underrepresented suppliers.

 15.6 The organization is proactive in seeking and attracting underrepresented groups by informing both potential and established suppliers about business opportunities.

 15.7 JEDDI criteria are included in the supplier selection process and given weight in decision making.

 15.8 Checks and balances are built into the responsible and ethical sourcing process to counteract the impact of unconscious bias and discrimination.

 15.9 Educational support and coaching is provided to underrepresented suppliers to help them be competitive.

 15.10 The organization publishes information about its annual expenditures with underrepresented suppliers including progress against goals, and successful contracting rates.


 15.11 All staff responsible for sourcing are provided with JEDDI education and are held accountable for achieving responsible sourcing goals.

 15.12 The organization’s supplier database includes information about the diversity of owners and employees that supply goods or services.

 15.13 The organization uses the services of organizations globally /nationally/locally that certify or accredit businesses owned by underrepresented suppliers and that regulate Fair Trade.

 15.14 The organization seeks opportunities to engage with and inform underrepresented suppliers that their business is welcomed.


 15.15 Engaging in JEDDI may be a supply proposal criterion, but it is given minimal importance.

 15.16 There is some attempt to include a few underrepresented suppliers, but primarily for small, one-time, or low-fee contracts or because it is required by law.


 15.17 No consideration is given to JEDDI when determining suppliers.

 15.18 There is no recognition of the value that underrepresented suppliers could bring to the organization.


Gain insight into the impact of the similarities and differences between your personal approach to DEI and their organization’s approach to DEI and determine how those differences or similarities might guide their actions.

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